Import pandas_datareader as web # conda or pip install this not part of pandas For an array or list, refer to Converting numpy array of strings to datetime or Convert datetime list into date python, respectively. If using pandas, then use pd.to_datetime. The date column on the axis must be a datetime dtype.Given date = df.index, xmin=date, xmax=date + pd.Timedelta(days=3), where the index is a DatetimeIndex.xmin and xmax will accept a date like '' or datetime(2020, 9, 10).# extract the region from the title for use in selecting the index of fptĪx.hlines(y=, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, colors=, ls='-', lw=2, alpha=0.5) G = sns.relplot(data=fmri, x="timepoint", y="signal", col="region",hue="event", style="event", kind="line") # used to get the max values (y) for each event in each regionįpt = fmri.pivot_table(index=, columns='event', values='signal', aggfunc='mean') G.hlines(y=, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, colors=, ls='-', lw=2) G = sns.lineplot(data=fmri, x="timepoint", y="signal", hue="event")

Seaborn axis-level plot import seaborn as snsĬ_max, s_max = fmri.pivot_table(index='timepoint', columns='event', values='signal', aggfunc='mean').max() Plt.hlines(y=, xmin=, xmax=, colors='purple', linestyles='-', lw=2, label='Multiple Lines')

However, doing so eats 25 GB of disk space. Reviewing the Qt installation, it seems that it did not install an actual qt version. Reading the error message, I expect that python configure-ng.py -q path/to/my/qt/install should work, but I’m unsure where the qmake would be located, and just pointing at the highest level doesn’t work. I tried both the configure-ng.py and configure.py scripts, the latter is supposed to work without Qt installed. I tried to install Qt (all options default). Make sure you have a working Qt qmake on your PATH or use the -q argument to explicitly specify a working Qt qmake. However, when I then try to configure pyqt4 (all options default), I fail: I managed to configure and install SIP, at least SIP shows when I query installed packages using pip list. I then tried the solution from the comment in the stackoverflow questions, downloading pyqt4 directly from riverbank:Īnd following the instructions from this webpage: Linking to the downloads by but these are unfortunately only for Windows.